Training your Mind, not just your Muscles

Dana Mathew - Software Instructor/Consultant

Training your Mind, not just your Muscles

Gym equipment on floor


When was the last time you set aside time to work out? Did you do cardio? Did you dead lift? Was it a group fitness class? Did you go for a walk? Or a jog? I guarantee when I asked you that you didn’t think about giving your mind a workout.

Speed is important in a lot of sports.  You can work on speed.  You can work to be more flexible.  You can work to be stronger. To make your body better, you focus on it. The same is true for making your mind more efficient. 

Let me help you grow your mind….

How do you become more efficient at work?

That’s easy.  Learn the tools you already have at your disposal.  Did you know Microsoft revamped the entire Office interface in 2007 because the average user was only utilizing 10% of Word’s capabilities?  10%.  People were basically using it as a typewriter still.  What are the tools available to you for use?  What apps do you have installed on your computer?  What apps have you never used?  What apps do you barely know?  What apps do you wish you knew more about?

Have you ever set aside time to learn one application?  How about an hour a week?  An hour a month?  How about an hour a year?  Could you ever imagine not setting aside time for exercise at least once a month?  Yet, maybe you have never set aside the time for learning.

Let’s make it a habit to set aside time for a YouTube tutorial or two.  Or maybe actual take the time to go to an in-person training.  You just need to grab five friends or co-workers and call or text me at 919-412-7538 to set up a class. I teach a ton of software.

The more tools you know, the more speedy, effective and awesome you’ll feel completing a task. We all work hard, let me help you work smart.